New Release:
Being Awake
If you ever had a spiritual awakening, you know that it can bring great insight, ecstatic bliss, and a sense of being one with the universe. But it can also be an overwhelming experience, leaving you searching for answers. BEING AWAKE pulls together thirty years of teachings and reflections on spiritual awakening. The author is a transpersonal psychologist and teacher of awakening and non duality. This is her inspiring final collection of her most important messages she wishes to convey.
This book is a collection of essays written by Bonnie Greenwell, Phd. to support and inspire the process of spiritual awakening. Dr. Greenwell has worked for over 35 years to bring understanding and help to people who are awakening out of ordinary consciousness and into a greater fullness of life. Topics include the impact of awakening on energy consciousness and spirit, the experience of form and emptiness, how to move from being stuck, moving from the head to heart, the nature of spiritual freedom, learning how to laugh at the little self, developing presence, and other issues relevant to the spiritual seeker. The final chapter explores her feelings about death and dying, and what lies beyond.
The Kundalini Guide
Reviewers on Amazon have called The Kundalini Guide a "must-have compendium for anyone undergoing transformational process" and commented "It is difficult to find a wise, compassionate, balanced perspective on the true place of kundalini in the spiritual process. This books provides one." This guide is comprehensive and concise in describing the symptoms, evolution and transformative outcome of kundalini awakening, based on a synthesis of over 2000 consultations with those who have experienced the arising of this powerful life force, either through spiritual or energy practices, or spontaneously.
Designed to be helpful to those in spiritual communities as well as those who have spontaneous awakenings, this unique self-help book places kundalini in the context of an awakening process, revealing kundalini as an energetic reorganization of the subtle energies that supports changes in consciousness leading to self-realization. It offers descriptions of the physical, emotional and psychic changes that may occur, and guidance on how to deal with difficulties that may arise. It helps alleviate misconceptions and calms anxiety, offering guidance on how to deal with the many phenomena that the energy arousal may produce.
Words of Praise for The Kundalini Guide:
"The kundalini process spontaneously awakens in some of the people who come to The Awakened Heart Center. Because it can be such a profound and transformative process, it can be difficult for it to be held in the proper perspective. I now have one well-written and well-balanced book that I can recommend to everyone without hesitation. Thank you, Bonnie!"
– Tom Thompson, founder of the Awakened Heart Center for Conscious Living
"I met Dr. Greenwell recently, and she has a deep and common sense understanding of this topic, having had years of interviews with people who have been through this life-altering process. She lays it all out for everyone to understand with examples and a review of commonly asked questions. It could be a primer on the topic. The focus is on practical down-to-earth advice and information. The same information could be in some ancient Indian text, but to a Western reader it would be incomprehensible; Bonnie has rectified this problem by covering the thousand questions one would have on this subject in simple straight-forward language…Start here if you really want to get a clear picture of the phenomena of kundalini."
The Awakening Guide
The Awakening Guide is a unique handbook that is immensely helpful to those who have experienced a spiritual awakening and are surprised to discover that the wondrous realization is not the end of the awakening but only the beginning of a new dimension of transformation. It offers a rare perspective of what it means to awaken, how the desire for awakening comes to fruition, the cul-de-sacs that keep a person stuck, and the unfolding of realization.
Readers have called this guide a wonderful perspective on the path to awakening, a rare gift and a masterpiece.
Words of Praise for The Awakening Guide
"Like her Kundalini Guide, The Awakening Guide is both for teachers guiding others in the awakening process and for the student in process. I can see the day when a new student walks into a meditation center or satsang group and is immediately handed these two books. 'Here. You are going to need these someday. It is going to be very, very different than you think.' These books are much needed guides along the way."
"In this perfect companion to her earlier volume, The Kundalini Guide, author Bonnie Greenwell graces us with a remarkably clear and accessible roadmap of the awakening process. The language is layered and rich, yet piercingly direct and infused with the power of transmission. This book is a rare gift flowing out from Greenwell's extraordinary insight and saturated with a brand of compassion and wisdom that can only be gained through direct experience. I am reading slowly, prayerfully, and gratefully."
"It felt as though the author was standing in the centre of a diamond prism, illustrating an infinite number of simple paths and angles through which the gift of selflessness can be attained. This is not to understate the recognition that she gives to the difficult task of cleansing and deconstruction that must occur before the ego finally releases its grip within the minds and hearts of some aspirants (myself included).
Beautifully conveyed, with her personal experience and empathy shining through brilliantly and compassionately to all those who are criss-crossing various roles of duality and negotiating internal conflict while nevertheless immersed within the Kundalini journey, I'm reminded of the words "I trace the rainbow through the rain" in the George Matheson Christian hymn: "Oh Love that wilt not let me go."
Truly, a transcendent mood of calm sweeps over me whenever my eyes glide over the supportive words and phrases of this book. So many nuances!"
Energies of Transformation
This comprehensive exploration of the kundalini process, designed as a support for those who are experiencing the energies that accompany spiritual awakening, has helped thousands of people and been printed in six countries. Originally published in 1990, and revised in 1995, it was based on Dr. Greenwell's research and remains a foundational book regarding this mysterious aspect of the awakening experience.
The book describes seven categories of phenomena related to kundalini, provides Eastern and Western perspectives, includes 23 case histories, and gives practical guidance for people who are in the kundalini process, whether through intention or accident.
Words of Praise for The Awakening Guide
“Energies of Transformation is a remarkable book full of Dr. Greenwell's own grace as well as the authority of careful research It provides both cross-cultural clinical wisdom and practical information for the Westerner confronting Kundalini. I recommend it frequently for both experiencers and clinicians seeking to understand the complexities of the experiences.”
– Rima Laibow M.D., Alexander Clinic, New York
“Trained as a scientist and having hold a materialistic/scientific world view for the last 30 years, I found this book extraordinary helpful and guiding while going trough my own experience of energetic transformation and finding the scientific/research approach with long lists with references to related literature helpful (which I have not seen in any of the books about Kundalini yet, as mosts are single personal anecdotal).
The book is well written by a western schooled psychologist and contains a fine balance of interpreting the relevant related events described in eastern and middle eastern philosophies as well the various religious writings. It also holds a great variety of various anecdotical stories of people having experienced transformation initiated by physically experiencing "energies", together with a list of related symptoms to "diagnose" these physical and neurobiological events and most importantly how to handle difficulties and the many questions that arise. I applaud the author for the including references to relevant literature and institutes as Stan Grof's initiated Spiritual Emergence Network, incredibly helpful for people in need of more specific help.”